CDN Profiles

CDN Profile Endpoint Logging Disabled

Risk Level: Medium


This plugin ensures that endpoint requests are being logged for all endpoints for each CDN Profile. Endpoint Logging ensures that all requests to a CDN endpoint are logged.

About the Service

CDN Profiles: Content Delivery Network is a distributed network of servers used to deliver content in an efficient manner to end-users by caching data into servers that are located near to the end-users. It helps in reducing latent time and improving user experience by providing large scalability, saving bandwidth and reducing load times.


Enabling endpoint request logging stores log of details regarding endpoint requests of the particular CDN profile.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Login to azure portal.
  2. From services go to CDN profiles.
  3. Select the profile for which issue has to be resolved.
  4. From the side navigation panel select Diagnostic settings under Monitoring.
  5. Follow the Steps for Remediation section, In case:
    1. No diagnostic setting rule is set up or the screen is blank.
    2. The Diagnostic rule is set up but Log Analytics workspace is blank.

  6. Repeat the steps for other profiles as well.

Steps for Remediation

  1. Login to azure portal.
  2. From services go to CDN profiles.
  3. Select the profile for which issue has to be resolved.
  4. From the side navigation panel select Diagnostic settings under Monitoring.
  5. Select +Add diagnostic setting” in case the logging rule is not set. If the logging rule is already set, proceed to the Step 7 to enable the rule.
  6. Provide “Diagnostic setting name”. Under Logs select category groups and in Destination details select “Send to Log Analytics workspace”. Click on Save after configuring details.
  7. To enable the endpoint request logging for the already set rule, click on the Edit setting given in front of the particular diagnostic setting.
  8. Under Destination details select the “Send to Log Analytics workspace” option. Configure the provided settings. Click on Save
  9. Wait for the changes to get saved and repeat the process for other profiles as well.

Please feel free to reach out to with any questions that you may have.


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